Lycee International School Case Study
Fixing repeated blockages to the school’s commercial kitchen waste disposal.
The Course Of ActionAfter repeated blockages to the school’s commercial kitchen waste disposal, 1st Call recommended diverting the pipe work to the closest primary drainage line. This would alter the current problematic design and avoid having a negative gradient above ground.
Work UndertakenDuring half term break, our engineers attended and installed the new 50mm UPVC pipework through the floor, making connection with the existing 100mm waste pipework which takes the floor gully. Due to the sensitive environment, engineers had to ensure the areas were correctly prepared prior to the excavation works so as to avoid contamination of the kitchen and food preparation areas. The pipe was installed with correct falls, ensuring proper access is available for all future maintenance cleaning works.
The OutcomeFinally, the excavation was reinstated and left ready for the flooring contractor as requested and discussed during the preparatory site visits with the client.