Do I Need a Plumber or a Drainage Contractor?
Any home will encounter some kind of water issue at some point or another, there are so many appliances, pipes and sewage points on every property that it’s inevitable. When these instances arrive – whether it’s a leaking tap or a backed up toilet – you’ll need to know exactly who it is you need to call in to take care of the problem.
In this handy guide we’ll detail the situations in which you need a plumber and which require a drainage expert, helping you to save time and money by bringing in the right kind of expert.
Who can best deal with my wastewater problem?
If you have any issue relating to the water which flows out of your home then you will no doubt need the services of a drainage expert. Some of these problems will only first be noticed inside the home – such as a back up in your system bringing wastewater into your home – but the issue here lies in your drains with a blocked or leaking pipe somewhere in your system.
On the opposite end of this problem, if you have an issue with a dripping tap, or anything related to the internal pipes inside your home, then you’ll require the services of a plumber. A blocked drain in your bathtub or damaged radiator pipes is something a plumber offers as it deals with a problem inside your home.
Who deals with my sewer pipes outside?
Because the problem is external to your home, but still on your property, you will require a drainage expert if you have trouble with sewers and drains outside of your home. Plumbers are not usually equipped to handle your sewer pipes so professional drainage experts are the best people to call for sewer issues.
Who can provide me with a CCTV drain inspection?
On top of all the repairs and unlocking services provided by a drainage expert, you can also call upon specialist CCTV drain inspections. Through this surveillance and monitoring service you can get a better idea of any damage, ingress or blockages in your drains.
Typically this survey will be performed on your property but outside of your home and a drainage expert will make recommendations for any cleaning or repair works which might be needed. Drain jetting is also a service which is often exclusively provided by drainage experts, helping to keep your drains flowing freely in relation to water draining away from your house.
The rule of thumb is that your internal water issues will require a plumber, while a drainage expert specialises in your waste water and sewage pipes – although often the drainage issues can present problems internally, you should still call on the expertise of a drainage specialist.
At 1st Call Drain Clearance & Technical Services we are leading drainage experts for London and the surrounding areas. We provide services related to your sewer pipes and the drainage of wastewater away from you house, our expert team can even provide CCTV services and drain jetting to ensure your drains are in top condition.